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Avoid Common Website Redesign Oversights

Website redesigning is the great for the enchasing the business growth; however require few avoidance in redesigning process as following:

Do not use your domain name in your page title. Instead of using keyword rich text separated by |(pipes). Put your most important keywords first. If you want to include your company name and you have characters remaining, put it at the end
Do not make your page titles and your H1 tags radically diverse. Once you've created your page title, make sure your URL and your H1 tags align thematically.

Do not make your page title and your meta description a mirror image of one another. The page title will be seen on your actual web page. Your page title is essentially for the search engines and your meta description is to draw a searcher in. The meta description will show up in the search engines organic search results. Just make sure it is fewer than 150 characters.

Do not include another company's name in your blog URL. Blogging platforms are perfectly good services, but you don't want your hard earned SEO credit to resolve itself with anyone but you. It can be difficult to migrate large amounts of blog content after the fact. Make sure you either create a sub-domain or a sub-directory right out of the gate.

Do not use Flash. Flash is great looking for sure, but search engines can't read flash. If you have an entire flash site, in the search engines ‘mind,' you have a blank site. A blank site equals zero indexed pages. Zero indexed pages equals very little traffic.

Do not skip over the step of implementing a 301 redirect. If you don't do this, you are splitting up your SEO credit in two different places. You want and to resolve to one domain. It only takes a matter of minutes to do and it will give you points in the eyes of the search engines.

Do not insert images without telling the search engines what those images are. The first is to use alt text when you upload the photos to describe what the image is.
Wish this list of tips will get you off to a great start with your website. Moreover, today outsourcing Website redesigning India is the great solution.


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